EggStatic Egg Fritz 8mm Trout & Bass Pack

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EggStatic Egg Fritz 8mm Trout & Bass Pack

Semperfli has taken Egg Fritz or Chenilles to the next level with our Slush-Fibres giving amazing life and color to your Egg flies. Semperfli Slush Fibres are micro thin fibres and when tied give and amazing slush puppy ice drink like look to the EggStatic. Our Slush-Fibres are built into the core and with our astounding computerised dying machines which produce a fibres that is translucent allowing light to travel through the egg/blob and provides great movement.

Put it in the water and the see colour come alive as the water turns the Egg slushy and transluscent

The Eggstatic Pack includes: 3x Extreme String, 3x Sili leg Strangs, 1x Fry Chenille, 1x Tungsten Beads. Please note that colors may vary in the packs.


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Material TypeBlended Nylon and Acrylic Fibre
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