

Grayling Bugs!

Great tying from our very own Phillippa Hake who's is really enjoying using our new Kapok Fusion and 3mm Scud Back whilst filling up her grayling box! Fingers crossed for some settled weather in the UK so she can get out and test them!

Black & Pearl Snatcher

Simple Black and Pearl Snatcher. Allan Liddle loves this pattern, and it has served him well from it's birthplace of the one and only Loch Leven ("The Loch") through all manner of lochs and stillwaters for both wild and stocked trout alike.

Tie Hard Project!

This project aims to make one fly every single day of the year, not looking for perfection, but simply enjoying the process and bringing this challenging task to life. Using the best materials available one can get, ensures every fly tied is not only durable but performs at its greatest on the water too.

Killer Stillwater Fly!

For anglers targeting stillwater trout, you won't go far wrong with a cormorant pattern on the end of your line! Wullie Munn ties this one with Classic Waxed Thread, Red Holo Tinsel and Straggle String!

Sparkle Mops!

A couple of Phil Rowley Fly Fishing 's mops he keeps in his box for feeding stillwater trout! Tied with our Mopster Chenille and new JD Olive colour of Scud Dubbing! Great tying, Phil!

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